November 14, 2023

On the chilly Tuesday evening of November 14th, the intimate venue of Roadrunner in Boston was transformed into a haven for folk and Americana enthusiasts, thanks to the captivating performances of Shakey Graves, the American Americana musician from Austin, Texas, and Rayland Baxter, the American alternative country musician from Nashville, Tennessee. Rayland Baxter, hailing from the heart of country music, kicked off the night by not only establishing the ideal ambiance but also gathering a sizable Boston crowd.

As the venue’s lights dimmed in anticipation of the main event, a tangible excitement enveloped the air. Shakey Graves, the distinctive musical force led by Alejandro Rose-Garcia, made a memorable entrance, greeted by a harmonious chorus of cheers and applause that heightened the energy initially sparked by Rayland Baxter earlier in the evening. The night unfurled as an enchanting journey through the expansive repertoire of Shakey Graves, metamorphosing the audience into a dynamic sea of enthusiastic faces, each individual uniquely moved by the music.

Shakey Graves and Rayland Baxter orchestrated an unforgettable musical experience for the Boston audience on Tuesday evening. Rayland, wielding his magnetic prowess, effortlessly drew in a substantial crowd during his soulful opening act. This laid the perfect foundation for Shakey Graves’ enchanting performance, bringing the audience together into a diverse and harmonious sea of music enthusiasts.

Listen to Shakey Graves here:

Listen to Rayland Baxter here:

Upcoming Tour Dates


COUCH 11/17
