October 23, 2023

Small Black, hailing from Brooklyn, New York, took the stage at Brighton Music Hall on October 23rd, presenting a breathtaking musical journey, with opening acts Claire George and Geographer. The evening began with Claire George, who immediately captured the audience's attention with her ethereal and emotive vocals. Her performance created an atmosphere of introspection and contemplation, setting the perfect tone for the night ahead. Following Claire George, Geographer took the stage, delivering a performance that added a dynamic and energetic dimension to the night.

Small Black’s entrance onto the stage was met with eager anticipation, and they did not disappoint. The band’s ethereal and dreamy synth-pop, combined with their indie electronic sensibilities, enveloped the audience in a mesmerizing soundscape. The band's setlist was a carefully curated journey through their discography, featuring fan favorites like “Boys Life” and “No Stranger.” The audience swayed to the music, lost in the dreamy atmosphere that Small Black expertly crafted.

Small Black, with their ethereal melodies, entrancing performance, and Brooklyn-rooted charm, delivered a captivating and unforgettable show that left everyone in the audience longing for more. Their music wove a dreamlike tapestry that resonated deeply with the crowd, creating a night of musical enchantment that will linger in the memories of those fortunate enough to be in attendance.

Listen to Small Black here:

Listen to Geographer here:

Listen to Claire George here:

Upcoming Tour Dates


